Hello and thank you for checking out this blog!
The purpose of this site is to give resources to those who wish to know more about issues of sexuality and religion mostly from a traditional view of the Bible. It is meant to be a space where knowledge and information related to LGBT issues is stored, sort of like a library.
Side B: The view that God created sexual intimacy to be expressed between one man and one woman in the covenant of marriage and also that LGBT + can live faithfully in chastity as a Christian individual in deep and rich community and friendship.
This site contains material that *mostly* caters to the Side B view, but there are also non-Side B materials that also speak positively and provide a more round discussion about a person's sexuality in relation to themselves and others.
You will find articles, podcast, videos, blogs that touch on the areas of: singleness, friendships, longing, sadness, and sexual ethics, etc.
I hope you find this site beneficial!